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A capability is extra functionality that can be added to your Paas simply by enabling it through your Paas' yaml config.

Examples can include, but are not limited to, ArgoCD, Tekton or Grafana.

Cluster Wide Quotas

With Cluster Wide (resource) Quotas (CWQ), cluster admins can bring all resources for all Paas'es belonging to a capability, together in one cluster wide resource pool.

This brings down over commit at the expense of the risk of resource sharing.

For more details, see the relevant details in the administrators section


The crypttool is a small command-line utility that allows a user to perform some simple operations with regards to secrets in a Paas.

Basic functionality includes sub-commands for encrypt, decrypt and re-encrypt with regards to Paas related secrets.

The re-encrypt sub-command specifically will parse the yaml/json file for a Paas, decrypt the SSH secrets with the previous private key, re-encrypt with the new public key & write back the Paas configuration to the file in either yaml or json format.

This will allow for key rotation.

You can also run the check-paas sub-command to "check" the Paas, which means it will parse the yaml/json file for a Paas, decrypt the SSH secrets and display their length and checksums.

Lastly it can be used to generate a new public/private key pair.

Groups [openshift]

Access to a Paas is granted to specific groups, which can be listed in the Paas' configuration file.

A group can contain roles that allow them certain permissions, users and/or an LDAP query. When configured, the LDAP query is used to find the members of the group, in addition to any users listed specifically in the Paas configuration.

Please be aware that this is an OpenShift specific feature.


This is a field in the Paas configuration, and feature, that allows the user to indicate that this Paas is actually managed by another Paas' ArgoCD.

Namespace / PaasNs

Namespaces can be used to define extra namespaces to be created as part of this Paas project.


There a various quotas that can be configured, but essentially they are: cluster wide, per Paas or for a capability.


The requestor is an informational field in the Paas configuration, which can contain a string that is intended to point to the person or group responsible for the application / Paas.

This could be an ITIL group, Service desk name, email address or any random string.

SSH Secrets

You can add SSH keys, which are a type of secret, to your Paas for ArgoCD to use so it can access a git repository. For example on a self-hosted Github or BitBucket instance.

The SSH secrets must be encrypted with the public key corresponding to the private key that was deployed together with the Paas operator.

Web service

The web service exposes a /v1/encrypt endpoint that allows a user to encrypt a secret using that cluster's private key.

Apart from the encrypt endpoint, some standard endpoints like /healthz, /readyz, /version and /metrics are exposed.