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Paas Capabilities

The whole idea of Paas is to create a multi tenancy solution which allows DevOps teams to request a context for their project, which we like to call a 'Project as a Service', e.a. Paas.

As part of the Paas we want to allow DevOps teams to consume capabilities 'As A Service'. Examples of such capabilities are:

  • ArgoCD (Continuous Delivery);
  • Tekton (Continuous Integration);
  • Grafana (Observability); and
  • KeyCloak (Single Sign On);

However, the list could be longer in the future.

Every Paas could have one or more of such capabilities enabled, which means they get these capabilities with the required permissions. The DevOps team requires no specific knowledge or permissions to use these capabilities.

They are managed by a cluster wide ArgoCD, which creates them according to the standards as defined by the platform team. They would be deployed specifically for their Paas and only usable in that context.

We want Product teams to be able to define which capabilities should be available, and to have control over the components that comprise these capabilities.

Therefore, it is designed a follows:

  • The available capabilities are all defined in the PaasConfig Per capability the following can be defined:
    • the default quota to be used when no quota is set in the Paas
    • if the cluster wide quota feature should be enabled for this capability
    • the ApplicationSet that can be reconfigured (new entry in the list generator) for each Paas with the capability enabled
  • For every Paas where the capability is enabled, the Paas controller will create:
    • a PaasNs
    • an entry in the ApplicationSet List Generator which in creates a new Application, which in turn makes a cluster wide ArgoCD deployment read from the configured git repo and create the required resources in the namespace as required



In the PaasConfig the following could be configured:


    # Config for the argocd capability
      # For every Paas with this capability enabled, the list generator in the
      # paas-argocd ApplicationSet should be extended
      applicationset: paas-argocd
      # Quotas can be set in the Paas, but for these quotas there are defaults to
      # apply when not set in the Paas.
        clusterwide: false
          limits.cpu: "7"
          requests.cpu: "3"
        min: {}
        max: {}
        ratio: 0
      # For all Paas's with the argocd capability enabled, by default also set
      # these permissions for the specified service account
          - monitoring-edit
          - alert-routing-edit
      extra_permissions: {}
    # Config for the grafana capability
      # For every Paas with this capability enabled, the list generator in the
      # paas-grafana ApplicationSet should be extended
      applicationset: paas-grafana
      # Quotas can be set in the Paas, but for these quotas there are defaults to
      # apply when not set in the Paas.
        clusterwide: false
          limits.cpu: "2"
          requests.cpu: "1"
        min: {}
        max: {}
        ratio: 0
      default_permissions: {}
      extra_permissions: {}

Example ApplicationSet

The ArgoCD Applicationset could look like this:


kind: applicationset
  # name of the applicationset, this can be used for Paas instances with the
  # argocd capability enabled
  name: paas-argocd
  # Specify the namespace of a cluster wide ArgoCD. On OpenShift the openshift-gitops
  # namespace is meant to have the only cluster wide ArgoCD.
  namespace: openshift-gitops
  # This list can be empty, but is required in the definition.
  # Note that the Paas operator will create and manage a list generator here. So
  # when managing this applicationset with the cluster wide ArgoCD requires setting
  # up resourceExclusions
  generators: []
      name: "{{paas}}-cpet-capability-argocd"
        namespace: "{{paas}}-argocd"
        server: "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
      project: "{{paas}}"
            capability: argocd
            clusterquotagroup: "{{requestor}}"
            paas: "{{paas}}"
            service: "{{service}}"
            subservice: "{{subservice}}"
        path: paas-capabilities/argocd
        repourl: "ssh://"
        targetrevision: master
          selfheal: true

Example Paas

This would mean that someone could create a Paas with a block like this:


kind: Paas
  name: my-paas
      enabled: true
      # Bootstrap application to point to the root folder
      gitPath: .
      # Bootstrap application to point to the main branch
      gitRevision: main
      # Bootstrap application to point to this repo
      gitUrl: "ssh://"
      enabled: true
        limits.cpu: "5"
        limits.memory: "2Gi"

This would result in:

  • a my-paas-argocd ClusterResourceQuota and a my-paas-grafana ClusterResourceQuota;
  • my-paas-argocd has default quotas as specified in the configuration; (limits.cpu: "7", requests.cpu: "3")
  • my-paas-grafana has limits.cpu overridden to "5", requests.cpu defaulting to "1" and limits.memory set to '2Gi';
  • a my-paas namespace with a argocd PaasNs and a grafana PaasNs;
  • a namespace called my-paas-argocd linked to the my-paas-argocd ClusterResourceQuota; The applicationset has an extra entry for the namespace so that the cluster-wide ArgoCD will create a namespaced ArgoCD deployment in this namespace. The Paas operator creates a bootstrap application which points to the root folder (.) of main branch of the ssh:// repository.
  • a namespace called my-paas-grafana linked to the my-paas-grafana ClusterResourceQuota; The applicationset has an extra entry for the namespace so that the cluster-wide ArgoCD will create a grafana deployment in this namespace.